Does Insurance Cover My Garage Door Repair?

by | Aug 6, 2021 | Garage Door Repair

When looking into home insurance, it’s important that you look at every detail to understand what is covered and what is not. You need to go through the information thoroughly and must check the coverage that is being offered before you agree to anything so that you’re aware of your policy. Finding out you’re not covered for something you assumed was included can be a devastating surprise, but you can prevent this from happening by making sure everything, including your garage door, is covered.

Not every policy will include this aspect, so you need to ask about this specifically. Your garage door can become damaged, and in the event that this happens, you need to know whether or not you are covered by your insurance policy. The good news is that in most home insurance policies, garage doors are part of the coverage, but it’s still your responsibility to check what exactly is included. Your insurance will likely cover any damage caused by you or a family member, and if a third party causes the damage, then their insurance policy would cover the cost for the repairs or replacement. This would apply if your neighbour accidentally hit your garage, for example. In the event of theft and damage, your homeowner insurance should be able to cover the incident, and this should apply to fire or vandalism as well.

It’s important to note that intentional damage to your garage door is generally not covered, and certain natural disasters would fall under this category. Before filing a claim, your first step should be to check your insurance policy, as this will help you determine what is covered if you’re not already familiar with this information. If your garage door is detached from your house, it’s important to check whether or not it is covered, as this information may be different depending on your policy.

Filing a claim may be easy or complicated, depending on the kind of insurance you have. You will have to submit documentation, and this will vary depending on the situation. If, for example, your claim is related to a crime, you will be required to file a police report, and this will likely also apply if your claim is related to a vehicle accidentally crashing into your garage door. Other cases may require you to send receipts for repairs to your insurance company, or they may even send an adjuster to determine the cost of repairs. If your garage door gets damaged as a result of theft, you should consider strengthening the security of your garage door so that this does not happen again in the future.

The experts at Sam’s Garage Doors specialize in repairs, so they will be able to help in the event of damage. If you are in the Surrey, Vancouver or Coquitlam areas, give us a call today!